Life on the Farm

 Spring time brings breeding and foaling season.  Long, busy days getting healthy babies on the ground and getting the mares in foal.  The mornings are devoted to the breeding shed and the afternoons are spent riding colts.


Summer time brings early mornings to beat the heat and lots of wet saddle pads for the colts.  The super hot days tends to work in my favor when breaking out the 2yr olds.  The breeding shed is usually quiet by now and its time to hit the road.  Time to see if all the hours spent in the practice pen has paid off!

Fall brings cooler tempertures and more barrel races.  Hopefully the 2 yr olds are all riding like I want them by now.  The 2 yr olds usually get a break through late fall and winter.  And if all goes as planned, I may get a few days off myself.

Winter time...not my favorite season by no means.  Time to pull out the flannel lined jeans, under armour, toboggans and the carhartt.  Things tend to slow down around the farm.  Time to play catch up on any paperwork that I've put off and think about the breeding/foaling season to come.